Blue Arrow

The Balancing Act

Despite there being two of us, there is a VERY delicate balancing act when it comes to running a business while having a social life, a relationship, and working a side job. It has not been easy, but here are a few ways that we’ve managed to survive:

  • Date night! We love to date one another. From cuddling up at the movies to cracking crab legs to yelling obscenities at the top of our lungs at hockey games – dating is essential. It keeps us close AND helps us loosen up and relieve stress.
  • Get out of town with someone! We spend time taking day trips with Brooke’s parents or my sister depending on where we are. Hanging out somewhere other than home stops us from checking our phones, grabbing the MacBook to work for “just a second”, etc.
  • Set boundaries! I’m so not good at this. I will answer emails at 2am. Really. Try it. BUT there are times when our couples have to be paused for just a little bit (usually when we are doing either of the above)
  • Always be open to learning more! We spend hours trying new marketing which may not work, developing freebies for couples to help with their planning, as well as just attempting different approaches to find our perfect couples!
  • Plan to see new vistas all the time! When we get sent to different states or countries for weddings, one of our priorities other than the wedding is to see the area. Even if it isn’t somewhere we previously were interested in, we find spots that are gorgeous and unique. We eat at restaurants that we can’t find anywhere else. We experience it!

February 29, 2020

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