We are Cat & Brooke, a travel loving, dog petting, pizza eating, light chasing couple who photograph and video one of the most important days of a couple’s life – their wedding.
Why we want to hear from you – because we absolutely love wedding details. Sounds crazy, but it’s so true. We want to hear about your venue, your color palette, how you special ordered cufflinks that were silver cast Lego blocks, that you can’t have your cat at the wedding so she is part of your cake topper, all of it. THEN, before the coffee is cold, we want to hear your love story. How did you meet? What was your proposal like? Who is more excited about the dancing portion of your day and who is more excited about the cake testing?
Through this blog you will hear our voices, see us plan our very own wedding (oh yes, we are doing this too!), learn about wedding day tips that we’ve experienced through our time shooting weddings, and so much more!
September 5, 2019
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